Processing Library

Processing Library View Sheet

The Processing Library allows for organization of DSP objects into catalogs for easy addition to a layout. Within the Processing Library View Sheet, one has the option to Create, Delete, Import and Export catalogs as well as add/remove object within a selected catalog, and copy/paste object to/from the clipboard. The upper field of the sheet displays the list of available catalogs. The lower field displays the object within a catalog selected in the upper field (mouse click to select).

The Processing Library can be made dockable. To choose a docking position, drag the Processing Library until positioning windows appear over the layout. Dragging the Processing Library to the top, bottom, left or right positioning window chooses the docked orientation. To auto-hide the Processing Library, click on the thumb-tack to the top right of the title bar.





New Catalog

This adds a catalog in the Catalogs field named ‘New Catalog’.  By clicking on the new heading, the user can give the New Catalog a name.

Delete Catalog

To delete a catalog, select one in the Catalogs field and hit Delete Catalog.

Import/Export Catalog

Tesira allows processing catalogs to be imported and exported as files with the .tlf extension.  To import a catalog, click the Import icon.  Browse for the Catalog file (.tlf file) to import and select it.  The Catalog will then appear in the list.  To export, select a catalog and click on the Export button. Name the file and save it to storage.

Item from Selection

Items can be added to a selected catalog by selecting an object in the main program window and clicking on the Item from Selection Icon.  If multiple objects are selected, they will be added to the catalog as a block, meaning they can only be added to a layout in that combination.  Selected items can also be dragged into a catalog by holding down the CTRL key while dragging them into the Items field.

Delete Item

A selected item can be deleted from a catalog by clicking on the Delete Item Icon.  This can also be done by right-clicking on the item in the list and choosing the Delete option from the pop-up menu.

Change Image

To change the image associated with a specific catalog item, select the item (mouse click) and click the Change Image Icon.  The standard object images (matching object toolbar images) will appear along with an Import Image selection.  Note that imported images are limited to 16x16 pixels.  All larger images will be clipped to 16x16 starting from top left.  Supported file formats are .bmp, .jpeg and .png.

Item to Clipboard

To place multiples of a catalog item into a layout, select the item and click on the Item to Clipboard Icon.  The item can now be placed in the layout by using Paste from the edit menu (CTRL+V).

Paste from Clipboard

To place and item from the clipboard into a catalog, select the item in the layout and copy it (CTRL+C), Copy from the Edit menu or copy from right-click on selected object.  Paste the object into the selected catalog by clicking on the Paste from Clipboard Icon.


Custom Blocks in the Processing Library

The processing library comes pre-installed with numerous custom blocks for use with TesiraXEL amplifiers, Community loudspeakers and other products as needed. These custom blocks are in read-only and are not modifiable by the user, but may be copied and exported if changes are desired.  See the following sections for more information:

Custom Block

Tesira Amplifiers - Rack Mount