This area is used to define the IP and other Device maintenance settings of Expander class devices. This includes any EX-MOD, EX-AEC, EX-IN, EX-OUT, EX-IO, EX-LOGIC, EX-UBT, Parlé Microphones, Tesira Amplifiers - Plenum Mount, Lab.gruppen Amplifiers, HD-1, TEC-1, NPX Paging Systems,TEC-X 1000 and TEC-X 2000 Ethernet devices connected to the control or AVB network of the selected Tesira device.
Allows the Host Name and IP settings to be defined on the expander.
Some devices use Layer 2 (AVDECC) for communicating with the Tesira proxy device, therefore the IP Configuration fields will not be available for these devices:
This allows adjustment of the AVB Peer Delay Threshold. This may require adjusting to a minimum value of 10,000ns if media converters are used to connect audio the expander(s) and audio dropouts or artifacting is being experienced. The setting used should also be matched in the server device and can be set using the Device Maintenance Settings > Network Settings dialog:
Displays the MAC address(es) of the expander device:
Serial port settings allows the device serial port baud rate to be configured. This option will be unavailable on devices without a serial port selected:
For expanders that support security, Expander Security Settings prevents unauthorized users from modifying the paging system from Tesira prior to system configuration:
Device Description can be used to set a logical description of the device:
Calibrate allows an attached Potentiometer to be configured. This option will be unavailable on devices without logic ports:
TEC-1 Properties is only available when a TEC-1 is selected. See TEC-1 Device Maintenance for more details.
TEC-X 1000 Properties are only available when the TEC-X is selected. See TEC-X Device Maintenance for more details.
TEC-X 2000 Properties are only available when the TEC-X is selected. See TEC-X Device Maintenance for more details.
NPX Paging System Properties are only available when an NPX is selected. See NPX Device Maintenance for more details.
HD-1 Properties is only available when a HD-1 is selected. See HD-1 Device Maintenance for more details.
Faults will be available if a expander is reporting an issue. Please see the System Status and Fault Reporting sections for more details.